Because of the particular geometries of some molecules, the CSCO may be different. Instead of the CSCO that we had with the atom, we want to determine the CSCOH: the complete set of operators commuting with Ĥ. It is thus
Chapitre 2: chimie physique moléculaire – Born-Oppenheimer
The Hamiltonian quickly becomes monstrously difficult when several atoms and electrons are considered. To illustrate this point, the equations of the Hamiltonians for H, H2+ and H2 are showed below: For a molecule with M nuclei of atomic number Z1, Z2, Z3,
Chapitre 1 : chimie physique moléculaire – atomes polyélectroniques
The presence of a second electron induces a term of repulsion between electrons. This term is positive so it increases the energy of the orbitals. The rest of the equation is similar to the Hamiltonian of the hydrogen. We can compare