The big difference between a solution and a gas is the presence of a solvent. A viscous solvent means that there are more collisions between the molecules of reactant and the molecules of solvent, slowing down the molecules. The first
Chapter 9 : chemical kinetics – kinetic theories
The following theories only apply to elementary reactions, i.e. in reactions in one step. The empirical relation of Arrhenius can be used (this relation is not limited to the elementary reactions): with kexp the kinetic constant found experimentally, Aexp the pre-exponential factor
Chapter 8 : chemical kinetics – orders of reaction
Kinetics is a field of the chemistry that studies the evolution of a chemical process over time. It gives practical information on the reaction and can help to determine its mechanisms. There is already two chapters discussing the basics of
Chapter 7 : MPC – Molecular degrees of freedom: vibration and rotation
In the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, we froze the position of the nuclei to find the electronic energy. The position of the nuclei was considered as a parameter that can be modified and we were able to construct the Lenard-Jones potential for
Chapter 6 : MPC – The LCAO theory
This theory says that each molecular orbital Φa is described by a linear combination of atomic orbitals {χ} centred on the M nuclei of the molecule. The molecular orbitals have the symmetry of one of the irreducible representations of the group
Chapter 5 : MPC – The methods of approximation and the quantic chemistry
We have seen quite a lot of new stuff up to now. We described monoelectronic and polyelectronic atoms and developed the description to molecules through the approximation of Born-Oppenheimer, the theory of groups and the CSOC. All of this teaches
Chapter 4 : MPC – Orbital angular moment L
The electrons revolving on an orbital generate an angular moment. ML is the quantic number associated to the projection of L on the internuclear axis. The projection is degenerated because it can either be in the positive values of the z
Chapter 3 : MPC – Group’s theory
Because of the particular geometries of some molecules, the CSCO may be different. Instead of the CSCO that we had with the atom, we want to determine the CSCOH: the complete set of operators commuting with Ĥ. It is thus
Chapter 2 : MPC – Molecules and Born-Oppenheimer
The Hamiltonian quickly becomes monstrously difficult when several atoms and electrons are considered. To illustrate this point, the equations of the Hamiltonians for H, H2+ and H2 are showed below: For a molecule with M nuclei of atomic number Z1, Z2, Z3,
Chapter 1 : MPC – polyelectronic atoms
The presence of a second electron induces a term of repulsion between electrons. This term is positive so it increases the energy of the orbitals. The rest of the equation is similar to the Hamiltonian of the hydrogen. We can compare